Please see the instructions below to see how much space a feature is using: Microsoft SQL Server: Run the following command in SQL Query Analyzer to see how many rows and how much data is being used by the tables in the EventSentry database: EXEC spMSforeachtable command1=EXEC spspaceused 3939 A better way to see a sorted list of...
We have compared network traffic used between Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL in a scenario where one event log entry is logged to a database. In this scenario EventSentry connected to the database server transferred one event log entry with approximately 200 characters and disconnected from the database. In this test we measured the follo...
When the EventSentry database is located in a SQL Server instance then you can point to the instance by using the TCP port number instead of using the instance name. This will usually solve all connection problems. To determine the TCP port of the instance do the following: Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager Rightclick the instance ...
EventSentry definitely works with SQL Server 2005 Express however some special steps need to be taken to make EventSentry work with SQL Server 2005 Express. Most of the steps outlined in this article also apply to SQL Server 2005. 1. Configuring SQL Server 2005 Express 1. Make sure that SQL Server is installled in Mixed Mode. 2. Using the ...
The anticipated database size depends on many factors not just the number of hosts that are being monitored. In order to predict the future database size you will need the following information: How many servers will be monitored What event log data will be consolidated For example will you be collecting Audit Success events How ...
There are usually two causes for the above error: 1. The SQL Server does not have SQL Authentication turned on. A trusted SQL Server connection implies that the account the agent is running under LocalSystem by default has appropriate permissions in SQL Server. This is usually not the case. 2. The SQL Server does not have an eventsentry...
It is highly recommended that you use SQL Authentication when consolidating events and other information to a SQL Server database. Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Open Enterprise Manager and locate the server name / instance name under the SQL Server Group container. Rightclick the server/instance name and select Properties. Then click the Secur...
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Open Enterprise Manager and locate the server name / instance name under the SQL Server Group container. Rightclick the server/instance name and select Properties. On the General tab click Network Configuration Under Enabled Protocols click TCP/IP and select Properties. The resulting dialog will show yo...
I get the following errors when testing our ODBC/Database connection using Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 the errors are also logged to the Application event log: OdbcExpandError:08001MicrosoftODBC SQL server DriverShared MemorySQL Server does not exist or access denied. 17 at SQLConnect and OdbcExpandError:08001MicrosoftODBC SQL...
You may encounter one of the following errors: OdbcExpandError: 28000MicrosoftSQL Native ClientSQL ServerLogin failed for user 39eventsentrysvc39. 18456 at SQLConnect OdbcExpandError: 42000MicrosoftSQL Native ClientSQL ServerCannot open database EventSentry requested by the login. The login failed 4060 at SQLConnec...
The Data Sources ODBC application by default creates System DSN names that are created in the 64bit part of the Windows registry and as such are only visible and accessible to 64bit applications. Since EventSentry v2.81 only ships 32bit applications you will need to create a System DSN using the 32bit version of the Data Sources ODB...
If the recovery model is set to Full then Microsoft SQL Server will record transactions including removed data in the transaction log for recovery purposes. If you do not need the transaction log for recovery purposes then you can change the database recovery model from Full to Simple. You can do this with the following SQL command:...
While a database is not strictly required to run EventSentry it will install ampamp run just fine without it is recommended for most scenarios. If you want to take advantage of the extensive reporting system of EventSentry then you will need to install a database and configure the EventSentry agents to collect data e.g. event disk space...
You can remove data from the EventSentry database in two ways: Through the web reports with the maintenance wizard or through the commandline utility esdbpurge.exe using the 39sa39 39root39 or 39postgres39 account and password. 1. Database Maintenance Wizard The database maintenance wizard is available through the web reports and can be acc...
When running Microsoft SQL Server it is safe to set the database compatibility level to the highest setting available. For example if you are running SQL Server 2008 then you can set the compatibility level to 100.
Yes you do not need to run database purge jobs with an administrative account. For SQL Server 2005 and later please follow the steps below to create an account that has enough permissions to purge old data from the EventSentry database. The name of the account created will be eventsentrymaint. 1. Open SQL Server Management Studio 2. Cre...
If you need to relocate you would have to install SQL on your new system and to move your database you would have to detach it from your old system to do this you would need to stop all of your agents from writing to this database so it is not in use and move it to the new system and then reattach it. Once your database is running on yo...
When using Microsoft SQL Server with EventSentry we recommend setting up a Maintenance Plan to continually check integrity reduce index fragmentation and periodically shrink the database to free up unused disk space. The following instructions assume the SQL Server Agent is running and Agent XPs is set to enabled. For instructions to enabl...
It is not currently possible to migrate data from your existing Microsoft SQL Server MySQL or Oracle database to the builtin EventSentry PostgreSQL database. You can however switch to the builtin database going forward and retain old data in the existing MSSQL/MySQL/Oracle database. To do this follow the steps below. 1. Upgrade to Even...
Method A: If you know the postgres user password you can use the pgAdmin utility: 1A. Open pgAdmin by opening the Windows Start Menu to EventSentry pgAdmin4. If you have set a password for the PgAdmin application in the past it may prompt you for that password. 2A. Double click on EventSentry Database under the Servers catego...
The builtin EventSentry database ships with a basic configuration which is tuned for wide compatibility instead of speed. If you are collecting a lot of data it is likely that the default parameters are undersized for your system resulting in poor collector performance high outbound queue size or resulting in poor performance when searching...
If you are using the built in EventSentry database you can back it up using the pgdump.exe utility. This is located by default in the EventSentry\postgresql14\bin folder. You can create a batch file with the following contents: batch ECHO OFF SET PGPASSWORD=yourpostgresaccountpassword C:\Program Files\EventSentry\postgresql1...
If after purging data from your EventSentry database you still have enough disk space approximately 1.5x the database size is needed available on the drive you can open the PgADMIN software doubleclick EventSentry localhost:5432 to bring up the logon window and log on with the Postgres password and then follow these steps to shrink...
First we recommend you make a backup of the database in case you have any issues and need to reinstall: How do I back up the built in EventSentry database Once you39ve got a backup then you can proceed with moving the database by following these steps: Stop the EventSentry Database v14 Service Control Panel Administrative Too...
Due to a bug in the EventSentry configuration assistant the EventSentry database PostgreSQL only may create duplicate constraints when updating a PostgreSQL database. These constraints can be removed by downloading and running a SQL script see Additional Links below from within pgAdmin: 1. Open pgAdmin 2. Click the SQL button from the...