First we recommend you make a backup of the database in case you have any issues and need to re-install:
How do I back up the built in EventSentry database?
Once you've got a backup then you can proceed with moving the database by following these steps:
Note: If you still use Postgres v9.6, then you would use the "EventSentry Database v9.6" service and "C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\data96" folder instead. PostgreSQL v14.x started shipping with EventSentry version 5.0.
Example Commmand:
xcopy "C:\Program Files\EventSentry\data14" "D:\EventSentry\Data14" /e /o
C:\Program Files\EventSentry\postgresql14\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "eventsentrydatabase14" -D "C:\Program Files \EventSentry\data14" -o "-p 5432"
C:\Program Files\EventSentry\postgresql14\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "eventsentrydatabase14" -D "D:\EventSentry\Data14" -o "-p 5432"