Environment Monitoring

EventSentry offers a full range of environment monitoring sensors to notify you of environment problems like defective air conditioning, intrusion attempts, water leaks and more.

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EventSentry supports most SNMP and HTTP-based environment sensors, and offers native integration with the HWg-STE2 LITE sensor, which supports measuring temperature, humidity, CO2 & light as well as detecting water.

EventSentry will generate an alert if the current measurement is outside the configured range (e.g. temperature and/or humidity) or if water is detected.

Network-based Hardware Sensors

EventSentry fully supports the network-based HWg-STE devices developed by HW group via the SNMP protocol. EventSentry comes with a pre-defined performance/snmp package and MIB and supports both alerts as well as historical trending for temperature and/or humidity data.

Directly Attached Hardware Sensors

Directly attached hardware sensors may also be supported via the serimon utility, if the sensor can report data in clear text format.