Yes, you do not need to run database purge jobs with an administrative account. For SQL Server 2005 and later, please follow the steps below to create an account that has enough permissions to purge old data from the EventSentry database. The name of the account created will be eventsentry_maint.
1.) Open SQL Server Management Studio
2.) Create a user eventsentry_maint under Security/Logins, using SQL Server authentication
3.) Under User Mapping, map it to your EventSentry Database with the Default Schema of "guest"
4.) Expand Databases, right click your EventSentry database and select Properties
5.) Select the Permissions page
6.) Select the user eventsentry_maint from the list of users, and give it explicit Connect, Delete and Select Grant permissions. Click OK.
You can now use the eventsentry_maint account with the es_db_purge utility, or from the maintenance wizard in the web reports.