video 3 Under 39Home Scripts User Embedded39 click 39New39 and then label this 39expiringcerts.ps139 and in the 39Script Content39 box add: powershell sl cert: MaxDays = 30 MachineName = env:COMPUTERNAME GetChildItem Recurse where .notafter le getdate.AddDaysMaxDays AND .notafter gt g...
In the management console under 39Tools Embedded Scripts39 click 39New39 and give the script a descriptive name e.g. 39scriptname.ps139 and in the 39Script Content39 box add your script In the 39Interpreter field39 select 39powershell.exe inputformat none file39 from the dropdown and click 39OK39 Under 39System Health Packages39 create ...
In order to launch PowerShell scripts from EventSentry you will need to verify/change the execution policy and supply the inputformat none parameter to powershell.exe. For example: powershell inputformat none c:\scripts\eventsentry\dothis.ps1 When logging to the console from your PowerShell script make sure that you use the WriteOutp...
A small number of EventSentry tasks can be automated with the EventSentry PowerShell module that can be downloaded from our github here The module is under development and new versions with additional functionality will be posted here. Suggestions for new functionality are welcome. Prereq...
Utilizing a PowerShell script that outputs files not accessed or modified in a certain number days EventSentry can then import the structured output from a temporary text files and facilitate ondemand searching as well as reports and jobs. 1. Create an embedded script 2. Schedule the script to run periodically with the Application Schedule...
You can get an alert when a domain is about to expire in 30 days by using the WhoisXMLAPI Creating API key Create a user at WhoisXMLAPI Get your API key from menu/settings under general. Add the API Key replacing APIFROMWHOISXMLAPI with the API at the script....