EventSentry monitors both the Hyper-V host as well as the virtual machines running inside the Hyper-V hosts. This document focuses on monitoring of the Hyper-V host itself - EventSentry does not distinguish between physical and virtual hosts (although it does detect virtual hosts for inventory purposes).

EventSentry monitors Hyper-V health through a variety of checks, including event logs(s), services, disk space and performance.

Event Logs

Windows logs a variety of status messages to the event log, for example when the Hyper-V host detects problems with a virtual machine. EventSentry monitors the Hyper-V event logs in real time to ensure that problems are detected as soon as possible.

Service Monitoring

EventSentry can monitor the status of all essential Hyper-V windows services and issue alerts or take auto-corrective action when a critical Hyper-V service is stopped.


Windows exposes dozens of Hyper-V related performance counters, all of which can be monitored with EventSentry for real-time analysis as well as historical trending. EventSentry also ships with performance monitoring package featuring a select number of Hyper-V performance counters.

Disk Space Monitoring

EventSentry can monitor the entire disk space on the Hyper-V host, or monitor select directories, e.g. of virtual machines. The web-based reporting helps with capacity planning with charts showing historical disk usage data.