HIPAA compliance

HIPAA is a set of controls that outline how your infrastructure and internal policies need to be setup in order to protect user's data.

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The EventSentry Web Reports offer a powerful, yet easy to use web interface to review changes on your network.

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Built-in Reports

EventSentry provides comprehensive out-of-the-box reports to help you meet your HIPAA requirements. Analyze and confirm file access, account changes, and policy changes.

Built-in Reports

HIPAA Monitoring

  • Limit access and control to authorized users
  • Include policies about media and workstation access
  • Ensure audit reports and logs on both harware and software within the organization
  • Setup automatic responses based on susipious behavior

Compliance Tracking Features

Compliance tracking intercepts and normalizes security-related events from the Windows event log, and consolidates them in the EventSentry database. This includes Active Directory Change Reporting (e.g. Account Management Tracking) as well as tracking of user activity (e.g. Logon Tracking). In full, compliance tracking includes the following features: