Which types of sensor combinations are available with the HWg-STE2 LITE monitor?

Article ID: 525
Category: Environment Sensors
Updated: 2025-02-12

The HWg-STE2 LITE has one RJ-11 connector and ships with a single temperature sensor out of the box. Monitoring something other than temperature requires that the respective sensor (e.g. water/flood detection) be attached instead of the default temperature sensor (this sensor can be mothballed).

Attaching multiple sensors is only possible in combination with temperature/humidity monitoring with the HTemp-1Wire Rack 19 (an additional purchase), which measures both temperature and humidity while also allowing for one additional sensor to be attached. To attach multiple sensors out of the box, a more advanced device like the HWg STE2 R2 is required.

Temperature Humidity Water Required Sensor
Yes No No Included with HWg-STE2 LITE
Yes Yes No HTemp-1Wire Rack 19
No Yes No Humid-1Wire
No No Yes Flood detector 1W-UNI 3m
Yes/No Yes/No Yes Humid-1Wire & Flood detector 1W-UNI 3m

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