We can monitor bandwidth, jitter, latency and packet loss using performance monitoring by monitoring the output of an executable. The command line CLI can be found here:
Download the above tool and for the purposes of this How-to, we will copy it to C:\Tools on our EventSentry server. Then, open an elevated command prompt and navigate to C:\Tools and run: Speedtest.exe
This will prompt you to accept their licensing agreement.
Once that is completed, we can begin configuring EventSentry.
$scriptOutput = (C:\Tools\speedtest.exe --format=json) | Out-String
$jsonObj = $scriptOutput | convertFrom-Json
$output = ""
$output += [math]::Round($jsonObj.ping.jitter, 2)
$output += ','
$output += [math]::Round($jsonObj.ping.latency, 2)
$output += ',' $output += [math]::Round($jsonObj.packetloss, 2)
$output += ','
$output += [math]::Round(($jsonObj.download.bandwidth/125000), 2)
$output += ','
$output += [math]::Round(($jsonObj.upload.bandwidth/125000), 2)
Write-Output $output
powershell.exe -inputformat none -executionpolicy bypass –file
After 3 hours, you can view the collected data in the web reports by going to “Health > Performance > Status” and run the following query: