Yes, however, if you change the certificate used for the Collector, your agents will refuse to connect to the Collector once the certificate has changed. This will require a manual configuration update (Push Configuration) for your agents so that they can reconnect.
You can substitute the self-signed certificate which is automatically generated by the collector by following the steps below. You will need to provide a password-protected PKCS#12 archive file with a .PFX extension.
- Download the Microsoft PSEXEC utility from the [Microsoft SysInternals Website] and copy the utility to the machine where the EventSentry Collector service is running.
- Generate a unix timestamp that is at least 1 day in the future. You can use the "Human date to timestamp" function on this website:
- Make sure the EventSentry console is closed and open the registry editor on the EventSentry server.
- In the registry editor on the EventSentry server, Select the following registry key:
- On the right side of the registry editor, double-click the cert_change_allowed_until item and in the editing popup, select the "decimal" setting and then paste the unix timestamp from step 2, click OK.
- Close the registry editor, otherwise you'll have problems once you get to step 9. Open the Eventsentry console and either push the configuration to your agents or Save&Deploy or Save, whichever is your customary method of updating the agent configurations. Use the web reports menu to choose Settings > Collector Status and verify that your agents show the new configuration number.
- Stop the EventSentry Collector service.
- Rename your PFX file so that it's named es_collector_svc.pfx and copy this renamed PFX file into the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\eventsentry\secure folder, replacing the existing es_collector_svc.pfx file in the folder.
- In an Administrator command prompt, run the following command: psexec /s /i /d regedit.exe
- If the command was succesful, regedit (registry editor) should appear. In regedit, select the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\eventsentry\collector key
- On the right side of regedit, double-click the ssl_certificate_password item and in the editing popup, replace the current text in the Value Data field with the password of your PFX file.
- Close regedit, and start the EventSentry Collector service.
- Review the application event log to spot any potential EventSentry Collector eventlog entries indicating a certificate error. You can always click the Reset Certificate button in the EventSentry console (in the settings under Home > Collector) to stop using your PFX file and to generate a new self-signed certificate and to replace your es_collector_svc.pfx file with a randomly generated one. If you click Reset Certificate you will not have to edit the registry or update the agent configurations again if the date that you chose in step 2 has not expired.