If you use EventSentry 3.4 and have a build number older than 68 this error can indicate that either the SNMP check failed due to a blocked port UDP port 161 is required or that the device requires SNMP v3 authentication and this has not been set up yet in EventSentry or is set up incorrectly for the device. Please update your EventSentry...

KB-ID 379
Category: Management Console
Applies to: 3.4

The maximum scan time is a setting in the Heartbeat service that determines how long the service will scan a device for SNMPget data and wait for a response. If a device doesn39t respond within the maximum scan time then scan will be interrupted. If this happens several times in a row the heartbeat service will log a 11012 event: Scanni...

KB-ID 495
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 5.0

EventSentry can retrieve various device information such as disk space ampamp performance metrics via SNMP. This guide shows how to correctly configure and add a device to be monitored via SNMP. 1. Check/Enable/Configure Device to use SNMP 2. GUI: Adding devices 3. Verifying SNMP configuration 4. Viewing information in the web reports 5. ...

KB-ID 451
Category: Network Monitoring
Applies to: 3.1 and later