Network Access: Services using Local System that use Negotiate when reverting to NTLM authentication must use the computer identity instead of authenticating anonymously
Services using Local System that use Negotiate when reverting to NTLM authentication may gain unauthorized access if allowed to authenticate anonymously versus using the computer identity.
To fix this configure the policy value for:
Computer Configuration
|_ Windows Settings
|_ Security Settings
|_ Local Policies
|_ Security Options
|_ Network security: Allow Local System to use computer identity for NTLM to "Enabled".
Server 2022: https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/microsoft_windows_server_2022/2022-08-25/finding/V-254470
Server 2019: https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/microsoft_windows_server_2019/2022-03-01/finding/V-205916 / https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/windows_server_2019/2020-06-15/finding/V-93295
Server 2016: https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/windows_server_2016/2020-06-16/finding/V-73679 / https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/microsoft_windows_server_2016/2021-09-29/finding/V-225049