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Navigation: Working with EventSentry


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EventSentry allows you to configure Filter, Health, Security & Compliance as well as Validation Scripts packages. A package contains a set of instructions (e.g. event log filters, disk space settings, service monitoring settings, etc.) that can then be applied to


All computers

Computers in a certain group

Computers matching certain criteria (OS, platform, running a service)

Individual computers only


Please see Package Options for more information on packages.


Package Types

EventSentry comes with 5 different types of packages:


1. thesaurus-warning@24px Event Log Packages

Contain one or more event log include filter, exclude filter and folder. Please see "Event Log Monitoring" for more information.


2. cross-reference@24px Log File Packages

Contain options to monitor one or more file(s) and consolidate and/or log parsed text to the event log.


3. computer-activity@24px System Health Packages

System Health Packages may contain the following health monitoring features:


Service Monitoring

Disk Space Monitoring

Folder Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

Software/Hardware Inventory

Process Monitoring

Application Scheduler

Event Log Backup

File Monitoring

Scheduled Tasks


System Status Tray App


Please note that a health package may only contain a maximum of one object of each type, for example you cannot add two service monitoring objects to the same health package.


4. security-ok-list@24px Security & Compliance Packages

Security & Compliance packages may contain the following objects:



Console Logons

Network Logons

Account Management

File Access

Policy Changes

Print Activity

Permission Inventory


Please note that a tracking package may only contain a maximum of one object of each type, for example you cannot add two process objects to the same package.


5. page-code-ok@24px Validation Scripts Packages

Contain a scripts object that allows for the scheduling of one or more validation script either by tag or name.