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Security & Compliance

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The Security & Compliance features intercept mostly security-related information from the Security event log, normalize the data and collect it in the EventSentry database. These feature are not only useful when you need to comply with federal regulations, but also for general troubleshooting, statistics and easier access to a wealth of security-related data.



See Resources - Compliance - Regulations for additional information on government compliance.



The following security & compliance features are supported and can be added to a package:


Process Tracking

Logon Tracking

Print Tracking

File Access Tracking

Account Management Tracking

Policy Change Tracking

Registry Tracking

Permission Inventory

Sysmon Management


Adding/Removing objects to/from a Security & Compliance Package

To add a new object to a package, right-click the package and select the desired security & compliance object from the Add submenu:




The new object will appear under the package with a blue wheel icon associated with it. Please note that you cannot add more than one object of the same type to the same package. For example, you cannot add two Registry Tracking objects to the same package.


To remove a security & compliance object, right-click the object and select Remove this object.