Yes, the EventSentry agent can be installed inside a Docker container running either Windows Server or Windows Server Core (Nano server is NOT supported).
Follow the instructions below to install the EventSentry agent on Windows running inside a docker container:
Management Console
1. In most cases it's recommended to add the host names of the docker containers to a group
2. Click on "Groups", click the "Deployment" button and choose to create a MSI installer.
Docker Container
1. Copy the eventsentry_agent_x64.msi file (located in C:\Program Files\EventSentry\deployment\msi by default) to a folder in the docker container.
2. Run msiexec /i eventsentry_agent_x64.msi /qn
inside the docker container to install the agent
3. If you are creating a new container that will serve as a template for future docker hosts, then run the following command to reset the unique host ID to avoid issues with the collector: reg delete HKLM\Software\\EventSentry /v unique_host_id /f