Yes, it is very important to remove the unique agent identifier to prevent connection failures when using the Collector component. To remove the identifier:
1) Run regedit on the agent.
2) Select "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\EventSentry" on the left (it will be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Note\\EventSentry" instead for 32-bit agents).
3) Find and remove the "unique_host_id" item on the right.
IMPORTANT: The "unique_host_id" item will be regenerated with a new value each time the EventSentry service is started.
If you've already created a new host using an image or template that contained the "unique_host_id" item, you'll need to follow the steps above on the affected host and then restart the "EventSentry" service. In the meantime, the new host will be unable to connect to the collector to send alerts or write to the database due to the duplicate identifier.