Why do I get an error about the "eventsentry_svc_in.reg" file when pushing the configuration?

Article ID: 326
Category: Management Console
Applies to: All
Updated: 2018-11-08

You may receive the following error:

Unable to prepare configuration file.
Unable to open file (C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\eventsentry_svc_in.reg) due to error 2

This is usually caused by the EventSentry console not running with the Administrator elevation token from the operating system. Normally this elevation is set by default, but on some systems it can become de-selected and you'd need to manually right-click the EventSentry icon and choose Run As Administrator each time, or re-enable the elevation settings. You enabled the elevation settings by locating the EventSentry console exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\eventsentry_gui.exe) and right-clicking it and choosing Properties. Then, on the Compatibility tab, click the "Change Settings for all users" button and then enable the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox and click OK. The next time you launch the EventSentry console, pushing the configuration will not fail due to error 2.

Sometimes, this error is caused by antivirus/antimalware programs blocking the configuration file from being generated. This can also be presented as the following error:
Unable to open file (C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\eventsentry_svc_in.reg) due to error 32

You may need to whitelist the "C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\eventsentry_svc_in.reg" file or the "C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry" folder to prevent realtime scanning of this file in your antivirus/antimalware software. If the file is opened for scanning/analysis in the antivirus/antimalware software, this prevents EventSentry from modifying the file as needed, and you will receive an error when pushing the configuration.

Closing and launching the management console again often resolves this error as well.

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