How do I modify the number of days events are retained in the database?

Article ID: 289
Category: Configuration
Applies to: v3.1 to v 5.1
Updated: 2024-12-05

NOTE: Starting in EventSentry 5.1, the default way to purge your database is from Web Reports. Please see KB 523 for information on how to set up this new purge and change the number of days in your retention period.

When EventSentry is installed there is an option in the Configuration Assistant to purge data older than the number of days specified.

Configuration Assistant

If you would like modify the number of days please follow the steps below.

  • Open the EventSentry Management Console
  • Click Tools > Embedded Scripts
  • Select auto_db_purge.cmd
  • Edit the number of days called in the script (see below)
  • Click OK -> Save

Modify Script

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