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Report Viewer

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Getting Started

By default, the Report Viewer Widget will try to connect to the web reports on the local host. If it is unable to reach the web reports or the web reports do not exist at that location the Welcome screen will be presented.




To configure the widget, right-click anywhere on the widget and select Widget Preferences.





The Report Viewer Widget is designed to display Custom Reports created in the web reports. As a result, the widget will need to be configured to access a report in the web reports.





This should point to the base URL of your EventSentry Web Reports.



The Profile that contains the computers you are interested in viewing with the widget. By default the profile will be called DEFAULT.


Report Name

Any Custom Report name that is available under the provided Profile. To see a list of reports go to Event > Reports in the web reports. The Report Viewer Widget will honor the hidden column preferences in the Custom Report.


Report Limit

This option will limit the number of records returned from the report and loaded in the widget. This will override the querylimit value that may have been saved with the report.


Refresh rate (min)

This slider will control how often the widgets connect to the EventSentry Web Reports and check for new values. The options range from 1 minute to 1 hour.



Hover the mouse over truncated items to view complete text




The Account tab under the Widget Preferences allows you to access the web reports when the built-in authentication is enabled. Simply enter the web reports username / password here to avoid being prompted for credentials every time the widget is loaded.





The Appearance tab gives control over the colors use in the widget.





There are several options under the Window tab that can control widget's opacity or prevent it from being dragged.