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Navigation: Event Log Consolidation

Archival and Purging

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Purging old records periodically

Collecting event logs can create an enormous amount of data into your database, and purging old records that do not have to be stored anymore is essential. The page Purging Records Periodically offers detailed instructions on how to delete old data from your EventSentry database.


It is at this point not possible to move unneeded records to a 2nd database for long-term archival. Please see the next section for a work-around.


Creating a Database for Archival

If you need to have one database for immediate and fast access to event log data (e.g. the last 30 days), but also need to store events for archival (e.g. store events for 360 days), then you can configure EventSentry to use two databases.


The first database will receive all the necessary events, and events older than 30 days will be purged every day or week. This way the database will remain small and access to the event log information will be very fast.


The second database will also receive all the necessary events, however only events older than 360 days will be purged every week or every month. The two databases can be on the same server or on completely different databases or database engines. As long as the databases have been successfully initialized with the Database Setup Wizard you can store events in it.


You can also easily query both databases from your web browser by creating a 2nd profile in the EventSentry Web Reports.