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Unpatched Software

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Virtually all software products - including Operating Systems - encounter bugs throughout their lifetime. If these bugs are exploited before the software vendor fixes them or before a fix is applied, attackers can:


Take advantage of the software's elevated privileges

Gain access to unauthorized information inside the software product

Gain access to the OS / network the software is installed on



It's important that a company has a coherent patch management solution in place, that ensures that all software and hardware is patched on a regular basis:


Operating Systems

Client Software

Server Software

Hardware Devices


EventSentry can help identify outdated Operating Systems and software products to ensure that all critical software is up to date:


EventSentry Benefits

Windows OS

Validation Scripts identify any Windows-based OS that is not on the latest patch level or EOL.

Windows Patch Inventory

Patch Monitoring shows all installed patches of a host and a history of all installed patches.

Windows Software

Software Monitoring tracks all installed software, version checks are done for common software.