If you have setup the web reports then it is recommended to specify the path here. Once configured you can view the web interface in your default web browser by selecting On The Web -> View Web Reports. Setting this option is also required for viewing a database-based heartbeat status inside the EventSentry GUI.
This setting is also necessary when using the heartbeat feature in connection with a database, so that the correct web pages are automatically displayed in management application.
Custom Search URL
You can use the built-in event viewer to query the following web sites for details on an event log entry:
1. system32.eventsentry.com (https://system32.eventsentry.com)
2. Microsoft.com (https://www.microsoft.com)
3. myeventlog.com (https://myeventlog.com)
4. Google (https://www.google.com/)
5. A custom search page
Options 1 - 4 cannot be changed, however you can enter your own search page to the Custom Search URL field. You can use the variables $EVENTID and $EVENTSOURCE in the URL.
Proxy Settings
The news and feedback features of the management console all work through the HTTP protocol. If your network requires a proxy server then you can specify the proxy server and port here.
If you are using Internet Explorer then you can simply check the "Use Internet Explorer Settings" checkbox to instruct EventSentry to automatically use the proxy settings configured in Internet Explorer.