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Remote Agent Installation

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You can install the EventSentry agent on remote machines in several ways:


Remote Update

The preferred and easiest way of installing the EventSentry agents on remote computers is to use remote update from a central location. With remote update, you can install agents, update them to the latest version or push the latest configuration.


EventSentry MSI

If the monitored computers are part of an Active Directory environment or if you are running other software that supports the deployment of MSI files, then you can modify the included EventSentry EventSentry Agent MSI file and deploy the EventSentry agent in this way. This option might be preferable if you do not have access to the ADMIN$ share of the monitored computers. Please note that (free) third-party tools are required to prepare the supplied MSI package for deployment in your network. Click here for more information.


EventSentry Management Console, without using Remote Update

You can also install the EventSentry service on a remote computer through the Management Console (see Remote Administration for details) and click Install in Service Options (details), however we do not recommend installing EventSentry in this way since it requires the remote registry service to be running on the remote computer and is usually the slowest option.


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Please make sure that the service is properly installed on the computer running the management application before you perform any type of remote installation, including the remote update installation.



The default administrative share ADMIN$ (which shares the %SYSTEMROOT% directory) will need to exist, otherwise the agent files cannot be copied to the remote computer.
The Remote Registry Service needs to be running only if you want to connect to a remote computer.