Navigation: Monitoring with EventSentry > Network Services > Snmp Daemon > Traps to Event Log |
To log SNMP traps to the event log, click the "Traps to Event Log" tab, check the "Log to the APPLICATION Event Log" check box and specify the severity under which incoming traps should be logged as.
EventSentry will log all traps to the application event log with the following event properties:
Settings By default, no incoming SNMP traps will be logged to the event log. Click the + icon to add strings that will trigger event log alerts.
Include: Log all SNMP traps, except for exclusions below This setting will log all SNMP traps to the event log. SNMP traps containing strings that are listed below will not be logged to the event log.
Exclude: Only log SNMP traps that are included below This is the default setting, and will only log SNMP traps to the event log that match the strings listed below. This allows you to only send content to the event log that matches your filters.