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Checking for New Versions

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In addition to checking for the latest version of EventSentry on the product web site, you can also use the management console to easily determine if you are running the latest version of EventSentry and download any applicable patches.


To check for a new version or patch, navigate to the Help -> Check for Updates which will show a dialog similar to the one shown below:




The Version Information dialog shows you the three major components of EventSentry and whether they are up to date or not. If the "Current" column shows "Yes" and a green checkbox is shown next to the component, then it is up to date and no action is needed.


The update feature will detect the following:


Patch availability: You are running the latest version, but a patch that addresses specific issues has been released
New version available: You are not running the latest version
Up-To-Date: You are running the latest version


Patch Availability

If a patch for EventSentry has been released, then you can use this feature to automatically download and install the patch. The dialog below shows an installation that is running the latest version at the time (2.80), but the install build (11) is smaller than the most current one. As a result, the Recommended Action is to download and install the latest patch to bring the installation up to date. Simply click the Download & Install Patch button to begin the download of the patch.


Downloaded patches will be stored in the Patches subdirectory of your EventSentry installation, for example C:\Program Files\EventSentry\Patches.




New Version Availability

If a new version for EventSentry has been released, then the Recommended Action will indicate that you can download and install a new version and a Download button will be displayed. Since downloading a new version requires a current maintenance agreement, clicking the download button will take you to our software update page that requires you to login in with your registered email address and password.


Please see the sub-chapters of Updating to a new version for more information about updating to the latest version.


Automatically Checking for new Versions

In addition to invoking the Check for Updates feature through the help menu, you can also configure EventSentry to automatically check for new versions and patches every time the management console is launched.


You can configure this feature by navigating to Tools -> Options -> Welcome & MyEventlog, more information can be found here.