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Content Filter

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The content filter field allows you to filter and process events based on their event message text. Content filtering distinguishes between the following:


Wildcard match of the entire event message (default)
Insertion string match


Wildcard Match

With this option, the specified text will be matched against the entire event message text (aka event description). You can either use wildcards in your content filter, or specify a 1:1 match.


Insertion String Match

Most events that are logged to the event log and contain dynamic information contain one or more insertion strings (click here for a detailed discussion on event message files and insertion strings). While a basic wildcard match is sufficient in most cases, the insertion string match gives you the following benefits:


1.No complex strings have to be crafted in order to match a subset of the event message
2.Additional comparison types (e.g. numerical) are available for insertion strings


With the insertion string match, you can not only perform textual comparisons of insertion strings, but also the following:


1.Numerical comparison (less than, equal, not equal, more than)
2.File checksum comparison
3.Group membership check



Numerical comparisons

When you select one of the numerical comparisons for an insertion strings, then EventSentry will convert the textual insertion string to a number, and then perform the select numerical comparison on that string. Numerical comparison supports floating point numbers.


Note: Only use this option if the insertion string is a number.


File checksum comparisons

Treats an insertion string as a filename, and creates a SHA-256 checksum of the file. The checksum you specify is then compared with the checksum of the file.


Alert or Warning 1 24 n g

Only use this option if the insertion string points to a filename. Do not use this option with events that occur at a high frequency or with insertion strings that point to large files, as checksum generation may use a significant amount of CPU time.


Group membership check

Treats the insertion string as a username, and verifies whether the username is a member of the group you specify. To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended that specify group names with the domain or host name, for example DOMAIN\GroupA or SERVERB\GroupX.


Alert or Warning 1 24 n g

Only use this option if the insertion string points to a valid username. Do not use this option with events that occur at a high frequency, as group verification may be time consuming (relatively speaking) and use large amounts of CPU time.


Wildcard comparison ("matches")

Similar to the wildcard match, but this option matches the selected insertion string against the specified text.



If both an event source and event id are specified in the filter properties and the message file is correctly registered, then the Preview button can be used to see the event template and its insertion strings. The event message browser can also show the available insertion strings of an event.


The table below shows the types of strings expected by the individual comparisons:


Match Category

Expected type of string in "Content Filter"


any string

matches file checksum

Filename with complete path

is member of group



any number



You can use the negation character (exclamation mark, !) for any text-based matching. Please see Advanced Text Processing for more information.