EventSentry v5.2: Processes, Security & Inventory

The latest iteration of EventSentry adds many powerful security features, continuing to enhance EventSentry’s ability to improve the security of Windows-based networks by strengthening its foundation and detecting suspicious behavior.

Local Inventory

EventSentry already provides an impressive inventory of monitored end points, including software, browser extensions, hardware, services, tasks and much more. Being added to the mix are:

  • Local User
  • Local Groups
  • (File) Shares

As such, you can now review all local users & groups that exist across your entire infrastructure, making it easy to identify administrative as well as suspicious or unneeded user accounts. Providing insight into all shared resources across the network again lets Sysadmins spot unnecessary or insecure local file shares.

Sysmon Management

The Sysmon utility, part of the Microsoft Sysinternals Suite, is a powerful, free add-on which is already tightly integrated in EventSentry via the Process Sysmon feature, which tracks network activity by individual processes. And while Sysmon is a great utility, it does have a major flaw: Deployment (or lack thereof). Installing and maintaining Sysmon is a manual process that doesn’t scale well across larger enterprises. But EventSentry users neither need to worry about maintaining the latest version of Sysmon nor keeping the Sysmon configuration updated – the new Sysmon management features takes care of both! Simply point EventSentry to the Sysmon URL (or a local copy), specify a configuration file (of course we ship one) and move on!

Tackle Compromised & Duplicate Active Directory Passwords

ADMonitor can now take advantage of two powerful features to strengthen the security of their Active Directory domains:

  • Identify Compromised Passwords
  • Identify Duplicate Passwords

ADMonitor can now query the web site to identify AD user accounts with a password that has been previously compromised in a data breach. A user account flagged by ADMonitor indicates that the password of this particular user has been part of a breach at some point – it doesn’t mean that this particular AD user account has been breached.

Multiple user accounts sharing the same password creates a number of security risks, but usually remains undetected. ADMonitor in v5.2 can now detect duplicate passwords, that is more than one AD user accounts using the same exact password.

Taking advantage of these new features – combined with the standard ADMonitor functionality and validation scripts – significantly strengthens the security of your Active Directory domain.

Threat Scoring

Events can now be tagged with a “threat score”, usually a number between 0 and 100. The EventSentry agent then keeps track of these threat scores, adding them up as they occur and issuing alerts if the threat score exceeds a certain threshold within a configurable time period. This is somewhat similar to the already-existing “Filter Chaining” feature, albeit more flexible since it doesn’t require creating separate packages. Filter chaining is still around however, especially since it allows specifying the order in which events occur.

A practical example of threat scoring is the detection of admin tools that are often utilized by attackers when they gather information from a compromised host. We’re talking about apps like whoami.exe, ipconfig.exe, reg.exe, wmic.exe, systeminfo.exe and the likes. Occasionally used by System Administrators and in isolation they are harmless – but more than one of these EXEs run in close succession can be suspicious and should trigger a review. Furthermore, some EXEs are more dangerous than others which the threat score can reflect. Running ipconfig.exe should have a lower threat score than wmic.exe.

The most obvious application for threat scoring will be event id 4688 which is logged when a new process is started, but it can be applied to any type of event – e.g. Logon events, Sysmon events and others.

Anomaly Detection v2: Fewer false positives

Anomaly detection, introduced in v5.1 is an easy way to flag potentially suspicious activity or detect previously unseen patterns: Logons from new users, new processes and more. For some use cases, like detecting new processes, anomaly detection could result in false positives. For example, a never-before seen process on Host A could be triggered again on Host B – since the anomaly engine run independently on each end point (agent).

In v5.2 anomalies can now be filtered on the collector, reducing most false positives if they occur on more than one host. Taking the previous example, the collector would suppress the “anomaly” flag on Host B since it was already registered by Host A earlier.

Searching Process Activity

Since EventSentry collects various process activity and information on multiple pages (process tracking, Sysmon, process status w/ netstat, services, …), adding a hybrid “Process Activity” page – similar to the current IP Activity & User Activity pages – became a necessity. This makes identifying (suspicious) processes extremely easy and fast – even stepping backwards through the parent processes. Process Activity supports searching through common process properties like process executable, PID and searches the following areas:

  • Currently Active Processes
  • Process Activity (Tracking & Sysmon)
  • Processing listening for incoming network connections
  • Services

Other New Features

  • Newly attached USB/BT keyboards are now detected and listed on the host inventory
  • Collector Client supports port knocking
  • Collector support for Process action
  • Process Spoofing Detection (identifying processes pretending/masquerading to be part of Windows)
Process Spoofing / Masquerading

Web Reports

PWA Support
On Chrome and Edge web browsers, the web reports can now be run as a “Progressive Web Application”, which delivers an app-like experience of the EventSentry web reports on desktops.

Dashboard Tiles
The Acknowledge Tile has been improved to support different output styles as well as queries, allowing users to create multiple tiles for different purposes.

Syslog RegEx Support
Since Syslog messages tend to be unformatted and, as such, sometimes difficult to interpret, the Syslog search now supports overlaying RegEx queries to format Syslog messages. This was previously only supported in the dashboard.

NetFlow Top Connections
This new NetFlow tile vividly displays your network’s key host connections. Uncover traffic patterns effortlessly and group data by IP address, hostname, country, and more for actionable insights.

Other Web Reports Improvements

  • Improved Dashboard Manager with Sorting
  • 2FA Email Authentication


The task-bar utility which can be automatically deployed with the agent and is also available in the free Sysadmin Tools, now includes an activity dialog which displays real-time information about process, file, scheduled tasks & service activity. But that’s not all – the new process/service dialog allows for conveniently terminating processes and controlling services.

EventSentry v4.1

EventSentry v4.1 builds on v4.0 released earlier this year and offers a lot of exciting new & improved features that enhance a variety of different monitoring scenarios. In this release we improved:

  • ADMonitor
  • Laptop / Mobile Monitoring
  • Performance Monitoring
  • NetFlow Security
  • MSP Support
  • Security Features
  • Web Reporting


Expiring passwords can often be an issue in larger networks, especially for mobile users whose passwords expire while they are out of the office. The new “Password Reminder” feature in ADMonitor alleviates this issue by giving you the ability to automatically send out password expiration reminders to your users before the password expires. The only requirement is that the ‘mail’ attribute is set for your users, or that it’s possible to dynamically determine the end user’s email address from one or more of its AD properties (e.g. first name, last name).

ADMonitor Password Reminder Email Configuration

We also added new ADMonitor-related tiles that provide an overview of recent AD changes.

Active Directory Statistics

Laptop / Mobile Monitoring

With an increasing number of employees working remotely, ensuring that laptops are properly monitored and secure should remain a priority for any company that manages laptops. Starting with v4.1, EventSentry detects the BitLocker status of any host, allowing you to run reports to identify all laptops that pose a security risk due to their hard drive not being encrypted.

Battery Health Monitoring

We also improved operational monitoring by tracking the health of laptop batteries; EventSentry can now tell you how healthy a laptop battery is based on the current capacity and the charge cycle count.

Performance Monitoring

Up until now performance data could “only” be retrieved from Windows performance counters and SNMP-based counters, but obtaining data from other sources like web pages or utilities was not supported. This limitation is a thing of the past as you can now use the output of any executable or script as a data source – with practically unlimited possibilities. For example, numerical data from system tools, web pages and log files can now be visualized and alerted upon – all with the same familiar interface. An example of this new functionality can be seen on our live demo, where we’re displaying air pollution stats from 4 major cities in the US along with the global PPM (courtesy of the EPA).

NetFlow Security

EventSentry’s NetFlow implementation already includes two important security-related features: The ability to detect port scans and identifying traffic going to / coming from potentially malicious IP addresses (with support for AbuseIPDb).

One potential short-coming with the malicious IP detection is that any of your public-facing IP addresses will – sooner or later – be contacted by a remote IP address deemed malicious. These alerts often result in unwanted and unnecessary noise, especially if the port / service that the remote IP address tried to contact is blocked anyways.

To make these alerts more actionable, NetFlow v4.1 keeps track of the amount of traffic sent/received from a malicious IP, resulting in intelligent notifications that are only triggered if the amount of traffic exceeds a (configurable) limit. This means that you will only get an alert if a meaningful amount of data (e.g. 1Mb) was transferred to or from a malicious IP – for example if a APT is active on your network. Once identified, you can either get an alert and/or take corrective action by blocking the offending IP address.

MSP Support

EventSentry’s architecture already supports MSP-style scenarios well: Granular permissions and multi-tenant support in the web reports allow for multiple clients, and remote agents running on a customer network can securely transmit all data encrypted over the Internet to the central EventSentry collector.

Starting with V4.1, both the heartbeat and network services components also integrate with the collector and can transmit all collected data from the customer’s network directly to the collector – instead of requiring a direct database connection.


Helping you keep your network as secure as Fort Knox and assisting you with your compliance requirements remains a top priority for EventSentry.

Do you know how many servers and workstations on your network require a reboot to finish installing Windows updates or software? EventSentry now detects pending reboots as part of its inventory functionality – simply schedule a report on this new flag and you’ll never forget to reboot critical systems again.

BitLocker and “Needs Reboot” indicators

BitLocker detection mentioned earlier also helps you secure your mobile workforce by quickly identifying laptops that do not use full disk encryption.

To aid troubleshooting and forensic analysis we added a “Changes” view that shows all permanent changes that occurred on a selected host – for example services being added/removed, critical system files, software installations and more. This is available on the Host Inventory page as well as the IP Activity page.

Changes made to a monitor host at-a-glance

For users who need to be compliant with CJIS we also added CJIS reports to list of compliance reports.

Web Reports

Besides a UI refresh and easier access to event log data, Syslog messages can now also be acknowledged – just like event log records.

Since accumulating too much data is a common issue for our users, we improved the Database Summary dashboard tile which actively monitors the database size and detects failed purge jobs.

The IP Activity page has been improved and now offers more actionable information about IP and host activity.

Finally, for those concerned about Java(c)’s licensing, EventSentry now utilizes the OpenJDK.

We hope you find this additions useful, as always please don’t hesitate to send us feedback. I also encourage you to check out our site which has a ton of information about Windows events and more. It’s under constant development and tells you how events are related, whether you should monitor them, which audit settings are associated with the event and much more.

Happy Monitoring!

EventSentry v3.4: New Security Features, Software Version Checker, Better Performance & more!

We’re again excited to announce the availability of EventSentry v3.4, the latest release of our hybrid SIEM monitoring suite.

EventSentry v3.4 delivers a number of new features to

  • Protect yourself against ransomware attacks
  • Detect lateral movement on a network with collector thresholds
  • Identify outdated software on your network
  • View detailed bandwidth utilization (requires NetFlow)
  • Monitor attached UPS devices
  • Integrate with open source solutions (Graylog, ELK, Nagios Log Server & others)

and more. We’ve also been focusing on making the data EventSentry collects more actionable and subsequently more helpful, and as result you will see additional contextual data provided with some alerts & reports, and one new search page in EventSentry.

All in all, this upcoming release has a lot of improvements in store to help you do your job better by ensuring that your network is as reliable, secure and fast as possible.

Audit Subcategories with audit success enabled, grouped by host


While high-profile Ransomware attacks have slowed down somewhat in recent weeks, businesses – especially small businesses – are still hit with Ransomware infections every day. Even though EventSentry is not positioned as a AV or a AntiMalware software, it does include a variety of functionality which can detect Ransomware outbreaks.

What sets EventSentry apart from AV and most AntiMalware solutions is that it looks for pattern exhibited by the Ransomware – regardless of the variant. What’s new in version v3.4 is the ability to detect changes to the MBR and bootsector as well as the ability to calculate the entropy of (changed) files.

MBR/BootSector Monitoring & Backup
Some more recent Ransomware variants modify the MBR and/or boot sector and trigger a reboot to initiate an offline encryption process. EventSentry v3.4 can now monitor the MBR and detect changes in near real-time to alert the admin when suspicious activity is occurring.

By utilizing EventSentry’s advanced filtering engine it is also possible to potentially stop the encryption process, e.g. by hibernating the infected host. EventSentry even backs up the MBR and boot sector, making it possible to repair an infected system (with a boot disk) without having to perform a full restore from backup.

MBR & Bootloader Backup

File Entropy
Entropy describes the randomness of a file, essentially a metric that can help detect compressed and encrypted files.

Since most Ransomware encrypts large amounts of files, EventSentry can utilize the entropy of a file, combined with event log thresholds, to make a determination that a Ransomware infection is in progress and take corrective measures.

Lateral Movement Detection with Thresholds

Lateral Network Movement
Lateral movement through a network

EventSentry has always included agent-side thresholds in order to throttle the alert volume or detect repeated events. Because these thresholds were executed on the agents, event patterns which involved more than one host could not be detected that way.

By adding a threshold component to collector – which analyzes and processes all events in real time – we can leverage this feature to new heights and detect network-wide event-based patterns – in real time!

Collector-side thresholds are configured exactly like agent-side thresholds with one the key difference – the threshold limit applies to all aggregated events sent to the collector. Collector-side thresholds also introduce the “Group By” setting that makes the lateral movement detection possible – the ability to count unique instances of an event property, and not just the total number of events.



Some of the event-based threat patterns you can detect:

  • The same user logging on to multiple hosts within a specific time frame
  • A process spreading (trickling) across multiple hosts within a specific time frame
  • A user running too many processes – either on a single or multiple hosts
  • Authentication failures of a user on too many hosts
  • Too many unique logon types used by a user account

Any event property and insertion string can be used to craft thresholds – the sky is the limit.

Software Version Checker

Earlier versions of EventSentry include a substantial hardware, software and patch inventory, making it extremely easy to find out which software packages are installed on your network, but also get alerted when software is installed or removed from a server/workstation.

In v3.4 we are taking this to the next level by providing the latest version available from the publisher for a growing list of 100+ software packages so that you can effortlessly identify outdated software on your network. You can now create reports listing any software on your network which is outdated, a dashboard tile is also available. The Web Reports refresh the version info list every 2 hours to ensure all reports are accurate.

If an application you are using on your network is not currently included then simply email us the name of the software as it is detected by EventSentry (and ideally the URL where we can obtain the current version) and we will add it to our list.

Software Version Check Report

64-bit Web Reports for Windows

The EventSentry web reports are now available as a 64-bit application, and upgrading to v3.4 will automatically upgrade the existing v3.x 32-bit web reports to 64-bit on 64-bit when installed/upgraded on a 64-bit version of Windows. The new 64-bit web reports will allow you to run larger reports that would not run due to limits with the address space associated with 32-bit applications.

UPS & Battery Monitoring

Any UPS directly attached to a server/workstations that is detected by Windows can now be monitored by EventSentry. The status of the UPS will show up on the host inventory page, and alerts will be generated when a host is on battery power and back on AC power. EventSentry can also initiate a shutdown when the remaining run-time or charge level falls below a certain limit.

UPS Alert

Batteries in laptops are also detected and listed on the host inventory page (battery capacity and current charge level), but generated alerts are informational only.

UPS Inventory & Monitoring

User Activity Tracking

While EventSentry provides its users with a wealth of information from multiple angles, it can be tedious to piece together data from multiple reports that is associated with a specific user. Data which can be linked to a user is scattered among process tracking, file access tracking, compliance logons and other pages.

User activity tracking

The new “User Activity” page, which is located in the “Dashboard” menu, solves this problem by displaying data from the following pages on a single page:

  • Logons
  • Processes
  • File Access
  • Active Directory Changes
  • Tasks
  • Events

The user activity page makes seeing all activity by a user as easy as never before!

Integration with third-party log management solutions

A few months ago, one of our users approached with the need to integrate EventSentry into an existing log management system which was already in place at the location where EventSentry was to be deployed. While reviewing the request we recognized that even though we position EventSentry as a one-stop log management solution with a compelling and robust web-based reporting component, an integration with other products can be helpful in some cases.

  • Supplement EventSentry’s built-in reporting with additional reporting
  • Integrate EventSentry with an existing log management solution located in a different business unit
  • Integrate EventSentry’s sophisticated real-time agent and deployment infrastructure with a different log management back-end

In version 3.3 and earlier, EventSentry can be integrated with 3rd party products using the HTTP, process and Syslog action. The HTTP & process action are intended to be used with ticketing systems where only a low volume of alerts are submitted while the Syslog action obviously supports submitting a high volume of events. The Syslog format was however limited to the traditional RFC 3164 format, making an integration with other log management systems difficult.

Starting with version 3.4, EventSentry now supports the following formats in the Syslog action

  1. RFC 3164 (legacy)
  2. Snare
  3. RFC 5424
  4. GELF (Graylog)
  5. Nagios Log Server
  6. Common Event Format (CEF)
  7. JSON (customizable)

If a log management server you need to integrate with is not listed above but supports the JSON format, then you can craft your own JSON packet with the JSON format, also introduced in v3.4.

Disk Space Alerts

Part of the effort to make EventSentry’s alerts more actionable is reflected in our improved disk space alerts which now list the 15 largest files and folders of the volume where disk space is low. The supplemental data will in many cases be enough to immediately identify the culprit so that corrective action can be taken immediately, without the need to run disk space analyzers on the volume.

Diskspace Alert with embedded file/folder size info

Audit Policy Status

Since the introduction of the compliance tracking components, EventSentry has been recording all audit (and many other!) changes performed in Windows as part of the “Policy Changes” feature. It wasn’t however possible to see the current status of all audit categories and subcategories at a glance. Reviewing the current audit status of all monitored hosts can be important however, if only to verify that group policies are configured correctly.

Hosts with disabled audit subcategories
Hosts with disabled audit subcategories

In v3.4 we now have the new “Status” page available under “Compliance -> Audit Policy” which delivers information such as:

  • Compare/review audit settings of a particular sub category (e.g. “Registry”) among all monitored hosts
  • View all disabled audit settings across all or select hosts
  • (Re)view audit settings based on computer types (e.g. domain controllers, servers, workstations)

NetFlow Bandwidth

Our NetFlow component can now provide bandwidth visualization based on the collected NetFlow data. The information can either be accessed on the NetFlow page or as a dashboard tile. Even though bandwidth data can already be determined using SNMP, the data gathered by NetFlow should be preferred since it contains additional data not available via SNMP, such as:

  • Packets sent/received
  • Bytes sent/received
  • Bytes per packet
  • % Utilization

Bytes per packet as well as packets sent received can be used to detect anomalies, e.g. when a host sends a large amount of network packets, or network packets with large/small content.

NetFlow Bandwidth

EventSentry v3.3 Part 2: Event annotation, Filter Chaining, RegEx and more

In my previous post I talked about our new NetFlow component as well as the new agent management capabilities now available in EventSentry v3.3. In this post I’ll cover the remaining new features and improvements we’ve made in v3.3, starting with the web reports.

Web Reports
There are a number of new features and improvements in addition to NetFlow visualization. There are a few new dashboard tiles, including a “Recent Activity” tile which – as the name implies – shows recent relevant changes such as newly detected processes, software (un)installed, ping status or service status changes.

Viewing recent activity on the dashboard
Viewing recent activity on the dashboard

Anybody who works in a team of two or more Sysadmins should find the new notes feature incredibly helpful. It lets any web reports user add comments (=notes) which are subsequently visible to others. Notes can be associated with one or more hosts (ensuring they show up in the “Documentation” tab of the respective host status page) and can include documents as attachments as well! Do you have warranty documents or network diagrams you want to store in a central place – easily accessible? That’s what the notes are for.

Adding a note to the web reports
Adding a note to the web reports

The overall look and feel has also been refreshed, and we’ve reorganized the menu to make it faster to access dashboards and easier to find pages.

The visualization of data has been improved, since some chart types work better with certain features of EventSentry. You can now visualize grouped data using either pie charts, tree maps or column charts.

The security of the web reports has also improved with a lockout policy which will locking an account after too many unsuccessful logon events.

Monitoring Improvements
As mentioned in part 1, the EventSentry is agent is now available in 64-bit, making it possible to monitor 64-bit counters and easier to monitor files in 64-bit directories. For users upgrading from an earlier version, the EventSentry management console will automatically migrate any existing 32-bit agents on 64-bit versions of Windows.

Application & Services Event Logs
While monitoring Application & Services event logs, often referred to as “custom” event logs was possible, the way this needed to be configured in the management console was a common source of confusion. Some users also needed the ability to monitor more than 30 different logs. Consequently, monitoring additional event logs is now straightforward, and users can monitor as many event logs as they wish.

Filter Chaining
With thresholds, timers, schedules, insertion strings, EventSentry already offers a sophisticated engine for monitoring events in real time. New in this release is the ability to setup filter chaining. This makes it possible to trigger actions only when 2 or more events occur, and you can even link events together using insertion strings. Chaining is enabled on the package level, and every filter in a “chaining” package is automatically part of the filter chaining rules.

Event Annotation
It happens frequently that we get alerts that require us to do additional research based on the information provided in the alert. For example, we may get an alert about an IP address for which we then need to do a reverse lookup or find the geoip location. Audit Success & Failure events from the security event log are another example, and often contain error codes and numbers which are not explained.

Green line shows reverse lookup, blue line geo location
Green line shows reverse lookup, blue line geo location

We set out to improve upon this, and starting with v3.3 EventSentry will annotate email alerts in a number of ways whenever possible:

  • IP addresses will include a reverse lookup
  • IP addresses will include a geoip location
  • Security events will have various error codes resolved

Please note that (1) and (2) are only supported for emails sent through the collector since it requires access to a local geoip database. (1) and (2) will need to be enabled in the email action “Options”, (3) is automatically enabled for all emails.

Insertion Strings & Regex
By making insertion strings from events accessible in filters and actions (e.g. through the $STR1, $STR2, … variables), it’s possible to create highly granular thresholds, customize emails, easily trigger corrective actions which utilize content from events and more. Based on our own requirements we took this capability a step further however, and you can now apply regex filters to events to define your own insertion strings. This is particularly useful for alerts which don’t use insertion strings or for events which contain log data. For those types of events, you can now parse parts of log strings and assign them to insertion strings. The previous blog article, Detecting Web Server Scan in Real-Time, shows a practical example of how to apply this new feature. It does require you to be a bit familiar with Regular Expressions, but the management console includes a handy dialog where you can test your regular expressions, shown below.

Regex preview & test utility in management console
Regex preview & test utility in management console

Faster is better! We’ve improved performance in a number of areas:

  • The database insert performance of the Syslog daemon has been improved for Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • The delimited log file feature now includes an additional index to increase database insert performance
  • The heartbeat agent now relies less on RPC-based agent status monitoring and can instead obtain the status of a remote agent either directly from the collector or the database, resulting in less network traffic and faster heartbeat monitoring cycles.

With new features & improvements in a variety of areas, this release should contain improvements for everyone. Remember that you can also submit feature requests here.

EventSentry v3.3 Part 1: NetFlow, Easier Deployment & Laptop Monitoring

We are very excited to release EventSentry v3.3, a major update to our award-winning monitoring solution EventSentry, less than 10 months after the release of the previous major version 3.2. Version 3.2 included the collector component which supports secure and reliable communication with remote agents as well as better database throughput, switch port mapping and many improvements to the web reports.

I’d like to also thank everyone who took the time to fill out our annual survey – we read every single response in detail. If you haven’t taken it yet then you can still do so here.

The v3.3 release, which builds upon some of the architectural changes we have made in v3.2, and offers new functionality to help you:

  • Visualize, measure & investigate network traffic better with the new NetFlow component – with discounted introductory pricing until 12/31 2016!
  • Spend less time managing agents – the collector can now push configuration as well as agent updates automagically – think laptops!
  • Deployment via MSI is much easier – MSI file creation now only takes a few seconds
  • Investigate issues faster with email alerts which have geo location, reverse lookups as well complex security codes included inline
  • Visualize any data in the web reports more easily with additional dashboard tiles and treemaps throughout
  • Managing and using custom event logs is now more straightforward and scalable
  • Database throughput has been improved for Syslog data and delimited log files
  • Even more advanced filtering is possible with filter chaining and insertion string override via regular expressions
  • Communicating and documenting your network has just become a lot easier – add notes and/or upload documents in the web reports
  • Monitor 64-bit operating systems with a native 64-bit agent

With a brand new component and many new features in a variety of areas, v3.3 will have something of interest for everyone. Let’s dive in and look at the new features in more detail.

NetFlow is a new component which is part of the “Network Services” service (along with Syslog, SNMP, ARP) and is licensed separately. Pricing is very competitive and an additional introductory discount will be available until the end of this year, 12/31 – including competitive upgrades. You can request a quote here.

Collecting NetFlow data allows you to see all traffic meta data which passes through network devices that support NetFlow, including:

  • Source IP, destination IP
  • Source host, destination IP (when resolvable)
  • Source port, destination port
  • Geo location (when available)
  • IP protocol used
  • Amount of traffic sent and received
  • Number of packets transmitted

NetFlow Dashboard
Dashboard for NetFlow

EventSentry v3.3 currently supports the NetFlow v1, v5, v9 as well as sFlow flow protocols. NetFlow is usually supported by most commercial routers and firewalls whereas sFlow is most commonly supported by switches. NetFlow is generally preferable over sFlow – especially for forensic analysis since sFlow samples traffic and only sends every nth flow. sFlow can be preferable when dealing with large amounts of data, but EventSentry’s NetFlow implementation (as well as NetFlow itself) has a way to group flows and therefor condense traffic.

Do you need NetFlow, and is it worth looking into? Without NetFlow there is impossible to know which hosts communicate with each other (unless you capture network traffic). What traffic enters the network, and what traffic leaves it? Broadly speaking, implementing NetFlow lets you:

  • Visualize all network traffic in a variety of ways and reports
  • Analyze network data for forensic purposes
  • Utilize network traffic data for troubleshooting purposes
  • Map network traffic to geo location
  • Correlate network traffic with Active Directory users (requires workstation monitoring)
  • Measure bandwidth utilization

NetFlow Summary
NetFlow Summary

On the EventSentry side, setting up NetFlow should take less than 5 minutes; and setting it up on the network device side is generally just a matter of enabling NetFlow and pointing it to EventSentry.

Geo Location
EventSentry ships with the GeoLite geo database from MaxMind which does a good job of associating IP addresses with physical locations down to the city level. If you are looking for more accuracy however, then you can also purchase the full geo location database from MaxMind here.

Blocked ports by origin country
Blocked ports by origin country

Active Directory User Correlation
A unique feature of EventSentry’s NetFlow implementation is the ability to correlate workstation logins with network traffic, making it possible to associate network traffic with individual users. This requires that workstations are monitored with EventSentry and works best when users have a dedicated workstation.

Agent Management & Deployment
If you are utilizing the collector service then you have now a great time-saving feature available. Pushing a configuration update to remote hosts after you made a change or deploying agent updates after a patch installation are a thing of the past once you activate the respective options in the collector dialog.

Managing automatic configuration updates can be done in 2 ways: Either by automatically deploying a configuration update after you click “save”, or by deploying only approved configuration updates (recommended). If you select the latter, then you just have to click the new “Save & Deploy” sub-option on the ribbon and the collector will do the rest. It’s no longer necessary that the EventSentry agent is directly reachable from the management console; it will receive the latest configuration as soon as it connects to the collector.

Configuring Agent Management
Configuring Agent Management

Please note that you will still need to manually deploy a v3.3 agent once in order for automatic agent updates to work, since the self-update code is embedded in the new agents.

Creating MSI files has also been greatly simplified – a x86 and x64 agent MSI file is created with just a few mouse button clicks. Manually editing MSI files with tools like ORCA is a thing of the past. The only prerequisite is the (free) WiX Toolset which has to be installed only once.

Monitoring Laptops
In addition to saving most EventSentry users a lot of time, these new deployment features also make it possible to monitor laptops which aren’t permanently connected to the network. Simply deploy the agent MSI file with your favorite deployment tool (or deploy with the management console) and enable the configuration and agent management options in the collector. From that point on, any agent connecting to the collector will automatically receive the latest configuration AND any new agent updates – completely automatically – no matter where in the world they are located.

64-Bit Agents
EventSentry v3.3 now ships with both a x86 and x64 agent, so that 64-bit editions of Windows can be monitored natively. The key benefit of this change is that 64-bit only performance counters can now be monitored, these counters were off limit with 32-bit agents. Utilizing 64-bit agents also results in the following changes:

  • Agents will be automatically converted to 64-bit when v3.3 is deployed. It is not possible to use a 32-bit v3.3 agent on a 64-bit version of Windows
  • File system redirection via “Sysnative” or in the File Checksum Monitoring packages is no longer necessary
  • Memory consumption will be slightly higher compared with 32-bit agents

Please note that EventSentry has not completely migrated to 64-bit yet, some components (management console, heartbeat agent, web reports) are still shipped as 32 bit executables. We plan on migrating all components to 64-bit by the end of 2017.

There are just too many new features in v3.3 to fit them all into one blog post, so stay tuned for part 2 which will follow shortly.

Your NETIKUS.NET team.