
When Ryan (one of our web developers) first talked about starting an official company blog, I wasn’t too amused by the idea. Don’t get me wrong, I thought that having a blog would be great! But the thought of creating yet more content on a regular basis just didn’t seem to appealing – after all I keep myself pretty busy with lots of other things in relation with the EventSentry project, not even to mention my involvement with all the other content we have on our web sites (knowledge base, documentation,, etc.).

Well, this was many months ago. I’m not sure how and why, but somehow I slowly started liking the idea of starting a blog where we could share ideas, useful tips & tricks, news about our product and personal thoughts. So after dismissing the original idea it got to a point where I was actually begging Ryan to setup the blog on our web site after I reserved the domain this week. I even have topics lined up already in my ToDo list!

So here it is: The Event Log Blog.

So, stop by and let us know what you think – suggestions for topics and comments are – as always – very welcome.