EventSentry Mobile Updates for iOS & Android

I’m excited to announce that we released updates to both the iPhone as well as Android version of our mobile app, and both updates are now available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store respectively.

The iOS version now supports the larger iPhone 5 display as well as a variety of improvements in regards to load speed, rotation and so forth.


The Android version catches up with the iOS version, adding the heartbeat page and fixing an issue where the app would not launch on devices running Jelly Bean. We’ve also beautified the app a bit and donated some color icons to the menu. Yes, the Android app now has officially more color than the iOS version. How crazy is that?

We also had to change how EventSentry Mobile is distributed through the Google Play Store, where our mobile app is now called “EventSentry Mobile” (instead of just “EventSentry”). Existing users of the mobile app will, unfortunately, need to uninstall and re-install the app to get the latest version. This was necessary due to Google’s policies and a mishap on our part. Future releases of the Android app will support updating however, and we apologize for the inconvenience.


To get the free update, either search for “EventSentry” on your mobile device, or visit the links below.

Google Play:


Now, if you use or like the app – why not rate it and write a short review?

your NETIKUS.NET team.

Announcing EventSentry Light v2.93.1

We’re excited to announce a new version of EventSentry Light, our free server and log monitoring solution.

EventSentry Light is:

  • completely free
  • does not show ads
  • does not require a registration
  • does not expire

To see all the new features which were added to full release EventSentry v2.93.1, see “EventSentry v2.93.1 – Part 1” and “EventSentry v2.93.1 – Part 2“.


In addition to the new features and bug fixes of the 2.93.1 release, we also decided to make the latest version of EventSentry Light even more useful for sysadmins by enabling several features which were previously only available in the full version:

  • Process Action is now available, so you can now launch scripts and/or processes as a response to event log entries
  • Custom event logs as well as custom event log channels (Windows 2008 and later) can now be monitored
  • Services can now be controlled in addition to just being monitored
  • All event logs can now be backed up
  • Event Log backups can be compressed
  • NTP (Network Time Protocol) feature can now adjust the local time
  • Limits can now be applied to actions
  • Email actions: All features are now available
  • Import/Export feature in management console is now available
  • Variables support is now available

In addition to the above new functionality, we also increased many of the existing limitations:

  • # of event log filters: Increased to 5 (from 4)
  • # of monitored services: Increased to 6 (from 4)
  • # of event log backup schedules: Increased to 3 (from 2)
  • # of actions: Increased to 3 (from 2)

EventSentry Light v2.93.1 is a significant upgrade from v2.92, with many new features now available to light users. Remember, with EventSentry Light you can:

So if you’re running EventSentry Light v2.92 or older then the time to upgrade is now! If you’re not using EventSentry at all, then the time to install it is now – you have nothing to loose.

Get EventSentry Light

EventSentry v2.93.1 – Part 2

This is the second and last article about the new features in the EventSentry 2.93.1 release, part 1 can be found here.


Support for USB-only temperature/humidity sensors

Up until v2.92, all environment sensors supported by EventSentry required a serial port to work; the USB connector is used only for drawing power.  Starting with v2.93.1, EventSentry now supports a USB-only temperature & humidity sensor (#30602), and a serial port is no longer required (water, smoke & motion sensors still require a serial port – for now).


The new USB-only environment sensor requires virtual COM port drivers from FTDI to be installed before it can be used. These (certified) drivers will create a virtual COM port on the computer, through which EventSentry will communicate with the sensor. The drivers ship with EventSentry, and are automatically installed by the management console when a USB-only sensor is configured. The driver installation does not require a reboot.

Improved hardware inventory for DELL & HP servers

EventSentry has always provided a solid hardware inventory which included installed memory (and available slots), network adapters, disks, disk controllers, graphics adapter and more. Server specific information was only available through the manufacturers management tools such as DELL OpenManage. EventSentry would always relay alerts about critical issues (e.g. degraded RAID, failed redundant power supply, etc.), but status information (does the server have redundant power supplies?) was not available through the EventSentry web reports.

Version 2.93.1 changes this, and EventSentry now shows the following hardware details on HP© and DELL© servers, provided that the management tools (e.g. DELL© OpenManage) are installed:

  • Installed power supplies and their status
  • Installed fans and their status & speed
  • Installed temperature sensors and current temperature
  • Installed remote access cards (e.g. iLO or DRAC) and their IP address
  • Installed RAID controllers and configured logical drives
  • Installed hard disks


The images above and below show how incredibly easy it is to see all hardware components of a server – on ONE screen, including all configured RAIDs and their associated physical drives – something Windows itself will not show you.


Most of these new properties are searchable as well, so it’s easy to list servers with more than one power supply, servers with remote access cards, RAID and so forth.

In addition, the Network Overview page will show you any hardware components from your entire network that are not in an OK state, whether it’s a hard disk, fan, PSU or temperature sensor.

Warranty expiration information for DELL, HP & IBM servers

Also new as part of the hardware inventory is the ability to view when a maintenance/support contract for a server or workstation will expire. When viewing the hardware inventory of a host, EventSentry will show you all available support contracts and their expiration date.


Improved Monitoring Engine

The core event log monitoring engine in the EventSentry agent has been tweaked to allow for higher throughput and lower CPU utilization, especially for Windows 2008 and later operating systems. Systems generating a large amount of events (such as domain controllers) should benefit from this enhancement.

Usability enhancements in management console

We improved two key areas in the management console for better usability: Speed when saving and keyboard navigation. Up until v2.92, saving the configuration in the management console could take more than 10 seconds, especially when the configuration contained a comprehensive ruleset. Starting with v2.93.1, only objects which were changed are written to disk; saving the configuration now only takes 1-2 seconds in most cases.

Also added was better keyboard navigation, especially for navigating the tree in the left pane. You can now navigate through the key by simply typing the name of a package, filter, action or other object. The improved keyboard navigation also allows you to use the scroll wheel of your mouse to quickly scroll through the tree.

Increased throughput for Heartbeat Monitoring

The heartbeat agent has been improved and can now scan remote hosts in parallel using threads. Even monitoring hundreds of hosts can be performed in a matter of seconds, so that a networking problem is reported as soon as possible. You can specify how many threads the heartbeat agent should use, or have the agent automatically allocate threads as needed based on the number of hosts and the network speed. Simply set the monitoring interval (e.g. 30 seconds) and EventSentry will do the rest!

Other noteworthy improvements

On hosts running Vista and later, the hardware inventory now retrieves the configured UAC level, which is also searchable, making it easy to find hosts with insufficient UAC settings. Process tracking also captures the current process elevation level, making it again easy to find processes which are running elevated (“Run as Administrator”).

Event Log filters can now search event details with a (perl-based) regular expression engine, time-based restriction can be set to the “nth” day of a month – ideal for creating filters based on “Patch Tuesday” for example. The same “nth” day of the month option is also available for heartbeat maintenance schedules by the way.

The environment dialog in the management console now shows descriptions with serial ports, making it easier to select the correct COM port. The management console also polls the status of all three EventSentry services in the background, and updates the status icons accordingly if a service is not running.

The web reports were tweaked, and many pages now load significantly faster, in particular the performance status page. The load speed of many other pages has also been improved if the “resolve hostname” option is enabled in the profile editor. Furthermore, on x64 systems, IIS no longer has to run in 32-bit mode.

Alerts generated after event log backups are more verbose, and include a SHA-256 checksum of the created backup file for tamper detection.

Finally, EventSentry v2.93.1 includes preliminary support for both Windows 8 and Server 2012.

Please see the release history for a complete list of all new features and bug fixes. Contact us with any questions about EventSentry and/or the v2.93.1 release.

EventSentry v2.93.1 – Part 1

We are excited to announce the availability of EventSentry v2.93.1, the latest release of our award-winning log, system health and network monitoring solution. This is the first post in a series of articles that will explain the new features and changes of EventSentry v2.93.1 in detail.

This post will provide a high-level overview of the new functionality available in EventSentry, subsequent posts will go into more details on the individual enhancements.

The main new features in EventSentry are:

  • Easier setup & deployment with new installer & built-in database
  • Vastly improved Performance Monitoring
  • Additional packages for performance monitoring
  • Support for USB-only temperature/humidity sensors
  • Improved hardware inventory for DELL & HP servers
  • Warranty expiration information for DELL, HP & IBM servers
  • Improved monitoring engine
  • Usability enhancements in management console
  • Increased throughput for Heartbeat monitoring

Easier setup & deployment with new installer & built-in database

In version 2.93 we switched to a new installer software and added a built-in database to EventSentry. Up until version 2.92, we utilized an MSI-based installer, which turned out to not be a good choice for EventSentry. While MSI is a powerful technology with many benefits, it caused more problems than it solved for us, so we switched to a “traditional” installer. The new installer software allows us to create non-Windows installers as well, something we’re already utilizing in the installation of the next-generation web reports beta.

The new installer automates a lot of tasks with IIS (Internet Information Services) which previously needed to be done manually, this results in a much better user experience overall. We also introduced a new “Configuration Assistant”, which configures and upgrades EventSentry components on your behalf.

Another major improvement is the newly added support for PostgreSQL, which is also bundled as an embedded database now. This makes the initial setup of EventSentry significantly easier for users who don’t already have a database setup, or who don’t have much database experience. When selected, the installer sets up an isolated PostgreSQL database instance just for EventSentry, no PostgreSQL knowledge and/or installation is required. If you already have PostgreSQL in your environment, you can utilize an existing database server as well.

Of course we still support other databases as well, including MS SQL Server, MS SQL Server Express, MySQL and Oracle.

For users utilizing a Non-MS-SQL Server database, deployment of agents has been significantly improved. The EventSentry management console now automatically deploys the ODBC drivers for PostgreSQL or MySQL to the remote hosts when a PostgreSQL and/or MySQL database is configured (since Windows only ships SQL Server ODBC drivers by default).

All these improvements combined result in a vastly improved setup and deployment of EventSentry, which will be particularly useful for new installations.


Improved Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring has always been one of the most popular features in EventSentry; not surprising since it’s an extremely powerful and flexible feature. We improved the following:

  • Alerts now show additional information, including the counter description
  • Added support for floating point counters
  • Improved the user interface
  • Combine two performance counters into a single performance counter
  • Added trend detection
  • Added automatic alert suppression
  • Added wildcard support for instance exclusion
  • Added support multiple databases
  • Significantly improved the speed of the performance status page

Secondary Counter: Divide a performance counter by a secondary counter, to calculate dynamic performance values that are otherwise not directly available through existing performance counters.


Trend Detection: EventSentry can now attempt to detect leaks in performance counters, especially useful for counters that indicate the current memory or handle count usage of a process (but of course useful for other counters as well). This can help detect problems in early stages, before they cause disruption on the monitored server.

Alert Supression: EventSentry can keep track of historical performance counter values, and can suppress performance alerts if the current counter value matches a pattern. For example, if the CPU usage of a processor is always high on Thursday between 8pm and 10pm, then, after a baseline is established, EventSentry will check the (continously evolving) baseline and suppress alerts.


The user interface has improved, and shows the current counter value of a counter, and also show active instances of a counter (if available), for easier exclusion of those instances.

Additional Packages for Performance Monitoring

Version 2.93.1 also ships additional system health packages out of the box; templates for Exchange Server, Hyper-V, SQL Server and others help new users setup performance monitoring with just a few clicks. The following default performance monitoring packages are now available:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (7 packages)
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
  • .NET
  • Active Directory
  • Hyper-V
  • IIS
  • Sharepoint
  • SQL Server


Part 2 will explain the remaining new features in detail, click here to continue.

EventSentry v2.92 + iPhone App

EventSentry v2.92
The main new features in version 2.92 are:

  • Network Services component
  • Embedded performance / environment charts
  • HTTP action
  • Hardware Inventory & Monitoring

Please see the release history or the documentation for a complete list of all bug fixes and new features.

Network Services
The network services component is the main new feature in EventSentry, and adds powerful functionality – the ability to receive SNMP traps – to our monitoring solution. Any network device that supports SNMP v1, v2c or v3 can be configured to send traps to EventSentry, which can then either forward the trap details via email, or log them to the database for archival and searching purposes.

Unlike other products, configuring the snmp trap daemon is easy and uncomplicated. Simply specify any MIBs you want to load, configure any SNMP communities and/or v3 users, and (optionally) setup text filters to include/exclude specific traps based on their content.

The network services component now also includes the syslog daemon, which was previously embedded in the EventSentry agent. This change includes higher availability, since the network services will cache incoming (snmp and/or syslog) packets if the main database is temporarily unavailable.

Another new “feature” is the ability to run the network services daemon on Linux and OS X operating systems. We developed all code in the network services to run on multiple platforms, and will continue to do so with all upcoming new components in EventSentry. Cross-platform functionality is still experimental, and as such we don’t currently have an installer for non-Windows operating systems. If you are interested in running the network services daemon on Linux or OS X, then please send a request to our support team.

Visualizing performance and environment data with embedded charts
Performance monitoring and alerts have always been a popular and useful feature in EventSentry, but a numerical alert can only convey so much information. If an alert shows that the CPU usage has been exceeded, say 80% over a time period of 10 minutes, then it is often helpful to see the performance data in a chart. This would show whether the CPU usage spiked during the beginning of the 10-minute interval and is back in an acceptable range, or whether the CPU usage has been mostly constant. In the past, you would need to review the performance history through the web-based reporting (which is still an option and desirable for long-term analysis), but starting with v2.92 email alerts can now include an embedded chart which shows exact performance information from the monitored time interval.

For example, if your performance alert is configured to generate an alert when the CPU usage exceeds 90% for more than 30 minutes, then you can receive an attachment in addition to the text alert, showing performance data from the last 30 minutes.

eventsentry_attachment_performance.pngEmbedded charts are also included with temperature and/or humidity environment alerts, an example chart is shown below:


HTTP Action
To better interact with web-based solutions like iService, EventSentry now includes a new notification type: HTTP. With the new HTTP action, you can submit event data to any HTTP or HTTPS-based form, making it extremely easy and reliable to interact with web-based systems (e.g. ticketing systems). Setting up a HTTP action is easy: Simply provide the URL, authentication and specify any event fields that you want to submit.

Hardware Inventory & Monitoring
Also new are network link speed monitoring, which can alert you when the NIC speed changes. This can be useful if a host is accidentally connected to a different switch, or simply to inventory all network connections.

EventSentry also monitors connected USB storage devices and can alert you when a drive is added or removed. The S.M.A.R.T. status of drives is also monitored, and junction points are now taken into consideration when evaluating the disk space of a logical drive. Also new is a “physical disks” section in the web reports.

iPhone App
Why yes, there is an app for that! How convenient would it be to review the health status of all your monitored hosts from your iPhone – including health statistics, hardware details and more?

Dream no more, with the EventSentry iPhone app you can review the status of all your servers from your phone (so long as it has access to your web reports of course).

Upon launch the app shows a searchable list of all monitored hosts and their respective health status. Tapping on a host will show detailed information, such as performance data, hardware information and more. Please take a look at the official iTunes page for the EventSentry app for more information and screenshots.

If you are an Android user then there is no reason to worry, an Android version of the EventSentry Mobile app is planned later this year.

Again, please see the version history for a complete list of features and fixes in v2.92.