Today I have good news and bad news. You’d like to hear the good news first? OK. The bad news is that AutoAdministrator is being retired and will no longer be developed.
OK, now on to the good news. AutoAdministrator is of course not entirely history and is undergoing a similar transformation the NTToolkit did a few years back. AutoAdministrator is joining the “EventSentry” brand as the “EventSentry Admin Assistant”.
This brings the total number of software products under the EventSentry brand to three:
- EventSentry + EventSentry Light (free)
- EventSentry SysAdmin Tools (free)
- EventSentry Admin Assistant (free)
To celebrate this transformation we’ve made a number of improvements in the new release:
- The EventSentry Admin Assistant is now available as a native 64-bit application
- REG_MULTI_SZ and REG_QWORD data types are now supported (for “read” actions)
- WMI queries can be filtered (aka “condition”) to allow for things like checking whether a Microsoft Windows patch is installed
The last enhancement is particularly useful if you need to check whether a particular Windows update is installed on your network – see the screenshot below.

Please note that there is no upgrade path from AutoAdministrator to the EventSentry Admin Assistant – they are treated as separate pieces of software and will install side-by-side. You can download the latest version the EventSentry Admin Assistant here.